“We can only achieve our true human potential when head and heart are in harmony”—this has always been Dr. Jane Goodall’s approach to using science for conservation. The way that Jane and The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) tell stories is meant to connect to the hearts of our audiences, but we need scientific data to connect to minds and support important decisions.
JGI’s Science Platform combines citizen science, expert observations and data, and modeling and analysis to drive sustainable conservation decision-making that benefits humans, wildlife, and ecosystems. Our conservation science team makes the best possible use of existing and emerging technologies and best scientific practices to advance research, and these approaches are always changing and adapting. Here are some highlights from 2022:
- The JGI Science and Knowledge Hub was created to house standard curated datasets, insights and analyses, and scalable data collection protocols for clean data capture to improve tree planting and habitat restoration initiatives.
- Through a joint effort with the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, JGI integrated Esri ArcGIS processes into decision-making. This tool will automatically calculate indicators of habitat viability and will continue to evolve in coming years. Staff also received training on the Decision Support System.
- Purchases of new technology included a drone to facilitate livestock surveys and camera traps and smartphones to modernize data collection across the board.
- Facial recognition AI technology was used to identify chimpanzees from video recordings. Those data were stored and cataloged in the cloud using the digital archiving platform created by partners at MediaValet.
- Standardized databases were developed in partnership with the Esri Advantage Program to store Tree planting/ restoration, sustainable livelihood initiative, and global Roots & Shoots activity data.
With the constant influx of new technologies and ways to integrate them, who knows what future years will bring?

“How do you convert amazing information, tools, and data to actually improve conservation decisions on the ground?
Dr. Lilian Pintea, Vice President of Conservation Science, JGI USA
The key—which Jane showed so clearly—
is to inspire a generation of storytellers and
scientists who are learning to reach hearts.”
Support from key partners and our network of donors makes it possible for our teams to effectively utilize up-to-date technologies in our varied work. Learn more and support our programs at janegoodall.org/donate.