We were so thrilled to recognize our AMAZING change-makers across the country who have done multiple community action projects in the last year! Our members and their community projects blow us away every day, and we were so excited to officially recognize them across our networks, and with exclusive digitally signed certificates plus more fun resources to honor their ideas, passion, and hard work in their communities.
Members who completed two projects in the Roots & Shoots database were eligible for a Certificate of Recognition signed by VP of Roots & Shoots Kamilah Martin, and those that had completed three projects were eligible for a signed certificate by Dr. Jane Goodall herself! Didn’t get a chance to apply for one this time? Don’t worry! There will be so many more opportunities to apply for to be recognized for your work through Roots & Shoots, so stay tuned!
This round of Certificates recognized over 26 change-makers from 12 different states California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and Oregon. We are so proud of the impact our members are making in communities big and small all across the country!
- The 2020 Roots & Shoots Certificate of Recognition Recipients
Marshall, Michigan Roots and Shoots
Wild Over Wildlife
Calabasas High School Roots & Shoots
For the Love of Frogs
Hillside School Roots & Shoots Team
Mountain Academy of Arts & Sciences
Blind Brook Roots & Shoots
Tom McCall Roots&Shoots
Earth Leaders
Joseph Zhong and His Joy of Music
Broward County’s Roots & Shoots Club
Change Will Happen
Animal kindness club art class
Mrs. Ricotta’s Second Graders 2020
We Are Forces of Nature
z Feeds Angel Food Project
CHIME Charter Environmental Awareness
Menstrual Activists for Period Products in Prisons
Today I Will…
Gateway High School – Roots & Shoots Chapter
Banyan Green Team
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Horse Rescue & Sanctuary
These projects also featured every Roots & Shoots Compassionate Trait, from across over 20 different themes from social justice to endangered species, confirming what we already knew: our members are not only change-makers, but amazing and strong leaders in their communities.
Congratulations to all the recipients of Roots & Shoots Certificates of Recognition for all their hard and impactful work, and especially over the last several difficult months. You should be so proud! We can’t wait to see your applications next round and keep witnessing the hard work being done by all our members across the world!
Want to get started with Roots & Shoots?
The Jane Goodall Institute is a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, we improve the lives of people, animals and the environment. Everything is connected—everyone can make a difference.