In times of gladness and times of sadness, we often look to the words of the wise for guidance, clarity and invigoration. It is through the written and spoken language of great thinkers and movers that we have been brought to new elevations of thought and movement. Dr. Goodall, regarded as one of the most groundbreaking scientists in human history, is also (and perhaps most importantly) a sensational storyteller and motivator. Jane, an ordinary woman from Bournemouth, England, has an extraordinary gift for sharing truth and universal human-ness – or rather, truth found in a profound human’s vision of the connectivity of all life.
A writer her entire life, and a prolific author for at least the last 60 years, Dr. Goodall has been sharing her insights in an attempt to encourage hope, and to catalyze action. In 2017, Jane shared with us even more valuable revelations for us to read, hear and feel. We’ve gathered some of our favorite Dr. Jane Goodall quotes from 2017 to help launch us into a 2018 of even more hope, and greater peaks of action!
What Jane Said in 2017
“Let us send up our prayers for greater understanding and make a commitment to do what we can, however little, to promote peace and harmony around us. To actually take action – and to take action every day – not make a promise that is just words. “
– Dr. Jane Goodall’s Message for Peace

Jane Goodall beside a waterfall in Gombe National Park.Shooting “Janes’s Journey”, Tansania 1/2008 with Jane Goodall
“So how shocking that we, the most intellectual creature that has ever walked the planet, is destroying that planet. It is the only home we have and yet, with no thought for future generations, we are destroying the environment all around the globe.”
– Jane Goodall’s Prayer for All the Creatures on Earth
“I have spent many, many days in the rain forests of Gombe National Park in Tanzania, and enjoyed opportunities to visit forests in other countries as well – in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the United States. I have sensed a great spiritual power in these forests, and came to understand so clearly how everything is interconnected.”
– The Beauty and Perseverance of Biodiversity
Dr. Jane Goodall on the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Watch the video on getting started here.
“I want to talk about what we all can do to create change, to right the wrongs, and make this a better world.”
– Dr. Goodall’s MasterClass. Sign up for the MasterClass or give it as a gift here.
“Science has played a very important role in my life…And it’s a little disturbing to me to find today that there are people who are…belittling scientists and belittling the role that science can play in helping us understand ourselves and what’s going on in the planet today. Scientists have spent years collecting information about the effect of human actions on the climate…And the fact that people can deny that humans have influenced this change in climate is quite frankly absurd. So I really hope that everyone who can will take part in this march (for science)…”
– Dr. Goodall on Why We March for Science. Get our #GirlsJustWannaDoScience poster here.
“…we all need to think about the consequences of the life choices we make each day. What do we buy, what do we wear, what do we eat, how is it made, is it from the environment, is there cruelty to animals or cruelty to children? And make choices thinking not only about how is this good for me now, but also how will this affect future generations. In other words, we need to do our part in the decisions we make, in our hearts and in our heads.
– Dr. Jane Goodall’s Reddit AMA
We hope these words have inspired you, and more so, spark a want to use your own voice to shape how you and others who hear from you understand the world, our place within it, and how powerful we each are when we commit to take action!
Are you inspired by Dr. Goodall to take action? Submit your story of #HopeinAction for a chance to be featured:
The Jane Goodall Institute is a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, we improve the lives of people, animals and the environment. Everything is connected—everyone can make a difference.