Does one person taking on major companies by demanding they use sustainable ingredients sound impossible? It definitely isn’t. How about planting one million trees and thereby becoming a true environmental hero? Totally doable. And what about saving your favorite animal from extinction by raising awareness with flair, just like Dr. Jane Goodall? Not only can you accomplish that and more, but you can RIGHT NOW.
What is Roots & Shoots?
Roots & Shoots is a program for young people like YOU to help all living things and to take action to make the world a better place. Dr. Jane Goodall started Roots & Shoots in 1991, when a group of young people in Tanzania expressed feeling frustrated by the problems facing the world and wanted to do something about it. Because she believes that young people can have a huge positive impact on our planet, Roots & Shoots was born, and now exists in nearly 100 countries all over the globe!
What do Roots & Shoots groups do?
Recycled Rainbows: Abby, 14, and Riley, 12, recycle used crayons, turn them into fun new crayons and get them into the hands of kids who deserve to imagine and create. They donate all of the proceeds from their sales to organizations who support wildlife and young people.
Pawsitively A Reason to READ: Third grade students read to dogs at their local animal shelter twice a month. They also give the animals homemade toys (made with recycled materials) and baked cookies. Reading helps the dogs’ social skills in order to be adopted faster.
Green Up Day: Girl Scouts in Massachusetts partnered with their city’s Green up Day founders to spread awareness about beautification to other people. Both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts collected trash from their town. Then, they made sure that all of the garbage was thrown away properly or recycled. This event helps build the community’s concern for keeping their city clean and healthy.
See tons more projects by Roots & Shoots groups here.
Why join Roots & Shoots?

That’s me with my R&S group!
I decided to join a Roots & Shoots club at my school because of my interest in helping the environment. I learned so much, made new friends, and had many opportunities come out of it. I am in charge of my own group now and organize many events throughout the year. Because of my work in my community, I was selected to become a youth representative of the Jane Goodall Institute as a member of the U.S. National Youth Leadership Council (NYLC). As an NYLC Youth Leader, I get to work on projects with youth leaders all over the US and learn from incredible experts in conservation work. Another great opportunity I gained from joining Roots & Shoots is being able to write blogs for Jane Goodall’s Good For All News!
Ready to Join?
- Join us! There are hundreds of thousands of young people just like you all over the world. Join them in action by signing up today.
- Make a difference in the next few minutes. Complete a 1-click campaign.
- Choose your 3 projects, one for people, one for animals, and one for the environment. Do this community mind-mapping activity.
Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.” – Jane Goodall
Join Roots & Shoots members in making a difference in the world. Any effort to help better your community (human or nonhuman) leaves an impact no matter how small the project, campaign, or event may be. With your help, big, beautiful things will happen.