Tchimpounga’s Chimpanzees Get Into the Holiday Spirit!


Everyone seems to be getting into the holiday spirit as we get closer and closer to the new year, and Tchimpounga’s chimpanzees are no exception!

Young chimpanzees absolutely love fresh fruit and bottles of milk, so staff at our Tchimpounga sanctuary in the Republic of Congo decided to have a bit of holiday fun and give these items to the sanctuary’s youngest chimpanzees as gifts. As you will see in the video, that chimpanzees were very intrigued by the crinkly wrapping paper and shiny long ribbons … some seemed to be more interested in the boxes themselves rather than what was inside the boxes!

We hope you enjoy the video above, which features these young chimpanzees as well as many of Tchimpounga’s rescued mandrills, older chimps that have been moves to Tchimpounga’s island sanctuary sites, and a very special holiday message from Dr. Jane Goodall.

 Make Your Year-End Gift Today!

About Author

Brittany is the Manager of Marketing and Communications at the Jane Goodall Institute. She focuses on outreach to JGI's supporter base through both print and electronic communications. Brittany has a BA in Journalism & Media studies from Rutgers University and a master's degree in International Politics & Human Rights from the University of Glasgow. Her involvement with the Jane Goodall Institute began in 2011 when she became an intern for Roots & Shoots, JGI's global youth program. Later that same year, she accepted a permanent position on JGI's Development team.